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Sleep disorders / insomnia

Insurance medical treatment

Are you getting a good night's sleep?

If you sleep 6 hours a day, 1/4 of the day is sleep time. In other words, 1/4 of your life is sleep time. I'm sure you've all experienced frustration, poor memory, and poor ability to perform when you're sleep deprived. Of course, there are times when you feel euphoric in a natural high state, but those times are short. Good sleep is necessary to enrich your daily life.

However, sleep depends on the mental state, physical (airway) state, and environment. At this clinic, the director will consider appropriate symptomatic treatments and suggest ways to get a good night's sleep.


As a specific treatment methodIf you have insomnia, consider medication. Pharmacotherapy is a very common method, but at this clinic, the director has a lot of clinical experience, understands the pros and cons of sleeping pills, and prescribes more patient-friendly. A lot of clinical experience means a lot of work on duty. Patient sleep is very important in the field of intensive care. We use various prescription drugs according to the patient's condition, and describe it as abundant clinical experience in the sense that we have confirmed whether we are actually sleeping as many times as we are on duty.

Check if the cause of your sleep disorder is sleep apnea.Consider CPAP treatment for sleep apnea. CPAP is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, a type of ventilator. Generally, the departments that use respiratory organs in hospitals are limited. Respiratory department, anesthesiology department, emergency department, intensive care department, etc. The director of this clinic is an emergency department specialist and an intensive care specialist, and has abundant clinical experience in respiratory use, and will guide patients on appropriate usage and treatment methods.


​About sleep and memory, sleep and dementia

Memory is poor when sleep deprived. In addition, sleep deprivation increases the risk of developing dementia. Please refer to the following technical points.

1. 1. When viewed the relationship between sleep and memory serves big sleep the fixing and integration of declarative memory and procedural memory is long-term memory.

2. In sleep deprivation, executive function involving the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe is adversely affected.

3. 3. Insomnia increases the risk of developing dementia and is also involved in the dynamics of amyloid b, which is one of the Alzheimer's pathologies .

Four. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with intermittent hypoxemia and sleep fragmentation associated with repeated obstructive respiratory events, and neuropsychological evaluations indicate impaired executive function involving the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe. Active intervention is required because it is a risk factor for the development of dementia such as cognitive decline in young and middle-aged people and Alzheimer's disease in the elderly.

Five. REM sleep behavior disorder is important as a risk group for developing Lewy body dementias in idiopathic cases of middle-aged and elderly onset. A neuropsychological symptoms seen in Lewy body dementia is visual-spatial configuration capability in this disease, visual spatial learning, illusion, attention, execution function, a failure of language-volatile storage seen. The presence of REM sleep behavior disorder in the clinical diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies is important.

References: Dokkyo Medical University Faculty of Nursing Nursing Science (Pathological Treatment) Area / Masayuki Miyamoto, Sleep Medical Center, Dokkyo Medical University Hospital

Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences 47 (3): 227-238, 2020

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