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​Internal medicine

 About our hospital's response to new coronavirus infections


​General internal medicine

We diagnose acute diseases such as cold, bronchitis and hay fever, and chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.

For chronic diseases, vascular age is evaluated using carotid echo.

In addition, we can handle burns and emergency illnesses in general, so please contact us if you have any problems near you.

If the temperature is below 37.5 ° C, we can handle cold symptoms, so please contact us.

table of contents
・ Chest pain
·stomach ache
·lower back pain
・ Joint pain / arthritis
・ Loss of consciousness
・ Numbness
・ Neck lump
・ Cough (chronic)
・ Dyspnea
・ Palpitations
・ Diarrhea / constipation
・ The appearance of the elderly is strange

Cold is a very common name of illness, but as a doctor, we treat various illnesses in mind.

If you list the names of the assumed diseases

・ Viral rhinitis

·allergic rhinitis

・ Viral pharyngitis

・ Viral bronchitis

・ Cough after cold + post-nasal drip

・ Acute bacterial sinusitis

・ Group A β-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis

・ Infectious mononucleosis

・ Subacute thyroiditis

・ Peritonsillar abscess

・ Acute epiglottitis


・ Bacterial bronchitis

·pulmonary tuberculosis

·heart failure

・ Cough asthma

Etc. We will focus on the three symptoms of "cough," "nasal discharge," and "pharyngitis," and proceed with the diagnosis.

アンカー 1
・ Fever / tremor (chills / fighting)

I have a fever and the tremor doesn't stop. When I tremble, I am treating with the following diseases in mind. If a local infection affects the whole body, it is more likely to be severe. You need to have a solid understanding of your physical findings.


·COVID-19 infection

・ Acute pyelonephritis

・ Acute prostatitis

・ Purulent cholangitis

・ Cholecystitis

・ Liver abscess

・ Acute viral hepatitis


・ Lung abscess

・ Meningitis

・ Soft tissue infections such as cellulitis

・ Fasciitis

・ Infective endocarditis

・ Myocarditis / epicarditis

It is necessary to systematically search for heat sources. It is necessary to check the fever + X of X in detail. Confirmation of X requires multidisciplinary clinical experience.

Pathological night sweats are sweating enough to change clothes during sleep, which means that you are sweating moistly even though it is not hot. It is distinguished from excessive sweating during the day and sweating due to the heat. Hot flashes, also referred to as hot flashes, are a transient symptom that is found in the upper body, often accompanied by sweating, and improves within minutes. The medical examination will be conducted assuming the following.

・ Infectious disease (acute)

・ Infectious diseases (chronic), especially tuberculosis

・ Menopause (male / female)

・ GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

・ Drug property

·Diabetes mellitus

・ Hypoglycemia


・ Hypothyroidism

・ Adrenal insufficiency

・ Hyperparathyroidism

・ Sleep apnea syndrome

・ Withdrawal symptoms

・ Mental illness (anxiety, depression)

・ Malignant tumors (especially malignant lymphoma and renal cell carcinoma)


・ Infective endocarditis

・ Deep abscess

・ Collagen disease

・ Dumping syndrome

・ Spinal cord disease

・ Independent neurological disorder

・ Pheochromocytoma

・ Carcinoid

Pay attention to physical findings and weight loss.

・ Night sweats / hot flashes
・ General malaise

General malaise means that your body is very tired. The examination is divided into physical illness, mental illness, and a combination of these. A detailed medical history and simple tests are enough to make a diagnosis in most cases. The following are assumed as diseases.

・ Infectious disease (acute)

・ Infectious diseases (subacute to chronic) (tuberculosis, HIV, infective endocarditis, etc.)

・ Mental illness (depression, somatization disorder, panic disorder, stress, bereavement of a loved one, etc.)

・ Irregular consumers

·Diabetes mellitus

・ Fulminant type 1 diabetes


・ Hypothyroidism

・ Adrenal insufficiency

・ Hyperparathyroidism

・ Electrolyte imbalance, acidosis

・ Post-infection fatigue (sequelae of new coronavirus infection, etc.)


・ Organ failure

・ Drug-induced (drugs that cause drowsiness, drugs that cause muscle weakness, drugs that lower blood pressure and lightheadedness)

・ Iron deficiency without anemia

·Malignant tumor

・ Collagen disease (especially polymyalgia rheumatica)

・ Neuromuscular disease


・ Sleep apnea syndrome



・ Chronic fatigue syndrome

・ Fibromyalgia

・ Cerebrospinal fluid leakage (low cerebrospinal pressure syndrome)

·Weight loss

First, make a clear check to see if you have unintentional weight loss or if you are on a diet and losing weight. Check specifically when and how many kilograms you have lost weight. If you are not sure, check your weight one month later. Check for appetite and fever. A weight loss of 5% or more of the original body weight in half a year is considered to be clinically important weight loss.

After that, we will distinguish the following diseases.

·Malignant tumor


・ Alcoholism


·Diabetes mellitus

・ Gastrointestinal ulcer

・ Drug property

・ After dementia and cerebral infarction

・ Advanced heart failure, COPD, renal failure

・ Malabsorption syndrome (Crohn's disease, chronic pancreatitis)

・ Adrenal insufficiency

・ Hypercalcemia


・ Abscess (liver / kidney / anus circumference)

・ Infective endocarditis


・ Malignant lymphoma

・ Polymyalgia rheumatica

・ Nervous anorexia

For example, to confirm alcohol dependence, screening using the CAGA score is performed. C ut down: one is that you feel must reduce their alcohol intake. A nnoyed by criticism: Have you ever troubled been criticized their alcohol consumption until now to the people around. G uilty feeling: or thought that is not good about his drinking, have you felt the guilt. E ye opener: Have you the the Asazake. If you meet two or more items, you are more likely to be alcoholic.


We will proceed with the diagnosis by checking whether the headache is repeated, the degree of the headache, and the neurological symptoms. We will distinguish the following diseases.

・ Tension headache


・ Cluster headache

・ Sinus headache

・ Neuralgia (trigeminal nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, occipital nerve)

・ Headache associated with acute infections (cold, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, etc.)


・ Drug-induced headache due to withdrawal

・ Headache due to head and neck disease (toothache, temporomandibular joint disease, cervical spondylosis)

·subarachnoid hemorrhage

·cerebral hemorrhage

・ Meningitis / encephalitis

・ Vertebral artery dissection, internal carotid artery dissection

・ Intracranial occupying lesions (abscess, hematoma, tumor)

・ Glaucoma attack

・ Hypertensive encephalopathy (PRES: posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome)

・ Cavernous sinus thrombosis

・ Temporal arteritis

・ Cerebrospinal fluid leakage (low cerebrospinal fluid pressure syndrome)

・ Internal carotid artery cavernous sinus fistula

・ Idiopathic increased intracranial pressure

Symptoms of headache suspected of subarachnoid hemorrhage include: 1. Sudden onset, 2. Painful headache that has never been experienced, 3. Unusual headache, 4. Increasing frequency and severity of headache, 5.50 These include the first headache after age, 6. headache with neurological loss and visual impairment, and 7. headache with closed eyes and quiet endurance. On rare occasions, some patients walked to the emergency department and were diagnosed with subarachnoid hemorrhage by CT examination. If you have any of the above symptoms, please call an ambulance.





























​ 問診の一つのテクニックとしていつから胸痛を自覚しているかが大事です。くも膜下出血と同様に重症度が高いほど、発症時の状況を良く覚えていることが多いです。冷や汗​、脂汗を自覚するような初めて体験するような胸痛は重症度と緊急度が高い疾患の可能性があります。症状が辛く自ら病院へ受診するのが難しいと判断したら、迷わず救急車を呼んで下さい。(それでも迷う場合は7119に連絡し救急車を呼ぶかどうか確認して下さい)

























​ 腹痛は検査しないと鑑別つかない場合を多く経験します。まさに後医は名医の症例(ケース)がゴロゴロする症状です。町医者としては確定診断を間違えても患者様の不利益にならぬように慎重に対応する必要があります。虫垂炎一つをとっても初期症状は典型的なMcBurney点の圧痛ではなく心窩部痛を自覚する場合があるなど症状が多彩です。

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